Wineskin Winery Mac 64 Bit

  • Wineskin Winery is a porting tool to make Windows programs/games into Mac OS X apps. GUI building, made for ease of use and customization. Make Mac OS X ports/wrappers for Windows software Integrated Wine (upgradable/downgradable) Integrated X11 (Xquartz) Included installer, and easy configuration options Includes usable Winetricks as well.
  • Wineskin free download, and many more programs.
  1. Wineskin Winery 64 Bit
  2. Wineskin Mac
I'm trying to run 64-bit Wine and a 64-bit Windows app on macOS 10.15.1 Catalina. I have installed Wine Development 4.19 from .pkg including the optional 64-bit support, however the app won't launch from the Applications folder. About This Mac -> System Report shows that Wine Devel is a 32-bit app. How can I launch the 64-bit version of Wine considering that I also installed the optional 64-bit support?

To download Wineskin Winery, visit their website - The new Winery update successfully downloaded the CX 64-bit engine, and I updated an existing 64-bit app to the CX version (under Mojave). It seems to start up more quickly than the 4.x engine I was using earlier, and works perfectly, as far as I can tell.

I tried the solution given in this post but it didn't work for me (probably partly due to the reason mentioned above).

Wineskin Winery 64 Bit


Wineskin Mac

  • I had trouble with wine as well, but I was able to use wineskin. Hope this helps.
  • I tried Wineskin winery as well, unfortunately that seems to run into the exact same issues
    I've been trying with PlayOnMac's 64-bit prefix support as well, but not having any luck there either, I keep getting an error like:
    Seems to be something it doesn't like with the mono.dll bundled with Yiffalicious; I assume it's custom compiled for the program though, because if I try replacing it with one from a mono installation I get a bunch of missing function errors instead.
  • I've been able to run in under Wineskin on a Mac using wrapper Wineskin-2.6.2.
    Here's my settings:
    1. Run Winetricks and install the core fonts package.
    2. Screen options: Automatic, turn off all other options.
    3. Choose the yiffalicious_novr.exe as the program executable.
    4. Try running it first in a window at the lowest resolution and working your way up.
    It only runs on my older 13' Macbook at the 'Simple' setting. I got it to run on a newer iMac on 'Beautiful'.
    Good luck
  • Run under Ubuntu linux with wine 3.0 stable perfectly.
  • edited January 2018
    Aha! It was memory that was the problem for the 32-bit install, I dialled it right back to Fastest and it started up quite happily. I guess I'll just work my way up and see what I can get it to. Can't believe I didn't think to try that first! *facepalms*
    I wish I could get the 64-bit version to run, as it wouldn't have this problem, but I can't get past the mono.dll issue at all.
    Thanks everyone who replied! Well, now that it's running I guess I'm not going any work done for the rest of today
  • edited January 2018
    So it seems 32-bit Yiffalicious can handle Simple quality at 720p on all levels except office (and possible fantasy, I didn't try that). Looks like that one won't load at any size/quality under 32-bit, so I've had to use the trick of swapping it for a copy of level2.

    Anyway, next challenge, anyone know why Yiffalicious wouldn't be recognising my main monitor? It only seems to recognise my secondary monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050, but not my main monitor (actually an HDTV) supporting 1080p. Because of this I can't run fullscreen at any resolution because the game launches onto the wrong monitor, but in windowed mode I'm limited to sizes that would fit my second screen, so I can't really fill the main monitor using the window.
    WINE seems to be detecting my screens just fine, in fact I can see them in regedit under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wine/Mac Driver/Initial Display Mode, but they're in the wrong order (my secondary display is listed first) which may be part of the problem. Any ideas?